Marcos Yucra SerrudoGerente de Impuestos

Profession: Economist

Specializations: Master’s in International Taxation, Customs and Foreign Trade from the TECH Technological University, Master’s in Tax Management and another in Business Sciences from the Gabriel Rene Moreno Autonomous University (U.A.G.R.M.),

Trajectory: More than 10 years of experience in public sector institutions and private sector companies, he served as a trainer of Internal Verification Processes in GRACO Santa Cruz Management, he is aware of the different types of processes and audits of the Tax Administration and of the regulations applied for taxes in Bolivia, later in the private area he works as an advisor on the tax part, tax audits, tax planning and sponsorship in tax processes and audits of different regulatory entities.

Distinctive: He has served as Examiner and Supervisor in the area of ​​Fiscalization and Legal Technique in the National Tax Service GRACO Santa Cruz and DISTRITAL I Santa Cruz, He has currently published different informative bulletins on tax issues in the Firm LAS SRL.