Ministerial Resolution 425/19 regarding the SALARY INCREASE MANAGEMENT 2019

We share the Final Provision of Supreme Decree No. 3888 of May 1, 2019, which provides the SALARY INCREASE for THE PRIVATE SECTOR and the application of the National Minimum Wage established in the following articles:

Art. 6 of DS N ° 3888 of May 1, 2019, provides that the Salary Increase in the private sector will be agreed between employers and workers, on the basis of 4%, which will be applied to all types of employment contracts. salaried work

Art. 7 of the Supreme Decree cited fixed at Bs. 2,122 (TWO THOUSAND HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO 00/100 Bolivians), the amount determined for the National Minimum Wage in the public and private sectors, which represents an increase of 3% in relation to that established in management 2018. being its mandatory application and subject to control and supervision actions by the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Welfare

THIRD ARTICLE: In accordance with paragraph II of Supreme Decree No. 3888, the retroactive payment of the 2019 Salary Increase may be made until Friday, May 31 of this management.

Download in the following link the complete content where you will find application criteria to be considered, the signing of the Collective Agreement for purposes of compliance and penalty determined in case of non-compliance.


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